About Us

Soundness With Sayde was founded in 2001 to meet the needs for wellness in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.  Find us for:  yoga with all ages, meditation, farmers’ markets, and sound living.

About Sayde

About Sayde

With parents who offered the right environment, Sayde began practicing yoga at age 12. She has practiced in the mountains, in the ocean, on the prairie and on airplanes, and with teachers whom she met along the way.

Sayde holds a MS in Yoga Therapy from Maryland University of Integrative Health and BA in Political Science from the University of Iowa.

She began teaching in Iowa in January 2001, transitioning to conversation then interviews to begin each class, changing roles from yoga teacher to yoga therapist along the way.  From general adult classes, the demand spread to prenatal, baby, kids, and more. Sayde currently holds community classes and group yoga therapy sessions for all ages, as well as private yoga therapy sessions. 

May you join the interconnectedness that is Soundness With Sayde.

What is Soundness?

soundness n 1: a state or condition free from damage or decay [ant: unsoundness] 2: the quality of being prudent and sensible [syn: wisdom, wiseness] 3: the firmness and tone of healthy tissue; “her muscle soundness” [syn: firmness] Source: WordNet ® 3.1, © 2019 Princeton University

Yoga is a fantastic habitude to begin. It can be practiced anywhere, at anytime, to garner results big or small.

“Yoga” is translated from Sanskrit as “yoking,” but is best understood as “union;” union between the inside and outside, your heart and spirit, your mind and body, right and left, front and back, thought and action. This is the aim of our classes and publications; to offer the means for you to create a balance in the energy of your environment. Each of us has our own challenges to face in this process of balance. The beauty of yoga is that we can work in unity towards total health, while experiencing our individual successes. Yoga is for every-body!

Chakra Song

Enjoy Sayde’s oldest at age five, performing the chakra song. Sayde wrote the song in 2016 for her kids classes, but she uses it for all ages.

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14 + 12 =






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