Yoga Therapy Group Treatments
Join me as I integrate my MS in Yoga Therapy in one year of energy-bursting workshops that heal with the help of the season. Sign up today!
Attend all those for which you are available. Physical challenges, post-surgery, pregnancy will all be accommodated.
Fridays from 5:30-7:00 pm
May 31, 2019: Change is Found in Flexibility
June 28, 2019: Love
July 26, 2019: Resilience
August 30, 2019: Putting Yourself to Work
September 27, 2019: Justice in Peace
October 25, 2019: Sexual Healing (for prostate, uterus/endometriosis, and sacrum)
November 29, 2019: Darkness is for Gratitude
December 30, 2019: Intend the Best You (**Monday)
January 31, 2020: Believe You Are More
February 28, 2020: Create the Possibilities
March 27, 2020: Finish the Circuit
April 24, 2020: Slow and Steady is the Way to Grow